Category: URAL

URAL AC 2021 ZIP Contain: m240v128_65675_06_2019-07-25 SCRoff_Stage1_CHK(ok).bin – tuned file: SCR_off. Selective Catalytic Reduction system disabled Stage1. Dynamics Improved (performance of an engine optimized) Checksums calculated m240v128_65675_06_2019-07-25.bin – original ECU’s file, make sure it matches…

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Price: 100,00$

Ural 44202-82 6.6L 228Hp 2021MY YMZ-53613-10 ZIP Contain: P_986.2.0.0_YMZ-53613-10_S3.8_13.04.2018_Stage1.bin – tuned file: Stage1. Dynamics Improved (performance of an engine optimized) P_986.2.0.0_YMZ-53613-10_S3.8_13.04.2018.bin – original ECU’s file, make sure it matches your ECU’s software

Price: 120,00$